Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Sonnet IV
One of my sonnets. Maybe i should start sharing them from the 1st but i find the others corny. I wrote this for my crush back then (who is now my boyfriend) So don't despair kids, hard work does pay. Anyway, I'm sharing this since every poet has to share one of her unrequited love poems once in a while. hahaha. It was really hard getting 10 syllables in each line though.

Sonnet IV
A too familiar face seen in a dream,
A too ignored stranger roaming the street;
Part friend and part foe or so it may seem,
Who silently considers life's defeat.
A secret admirer walks by your side
Scaling the shore for any treasure sign.
Each stone overturned by the swelling tide,
Reflecting journeys through the sands of time.
Twas fate that she saw you a life time gone
Twas fate too that had kept you near but far
Two estranged friends having something and none,
Unaware of her love borne in a scar.

But death shall intervene emotion true
And fate brought her to a world without you.
posted by Rax @ 02:07

knowing but not intervening...
About Me

Name: Rax
Home: Makati, Philippines
About Me: I am many things: aspiring poet, advocate, lawyer, with a good grasp of reality. I am also passionate when it comes to chasing dreams. After all, a childlike imagination is just something I cannot outgrow. Which is why I write(...and refuse to give up anime, fantasy novels and video games... :P)
See my complete profile
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