Tuesday, May 11, 2004
You know that mixed feeling you have when you just break up with someone? It ranges from relief to anger and it's one of those feelings i hate since one can't exactly pinpoint which feeling it is. duh. so... all together now... (barney tone) i love u...u love me...we're a happy family...


Your absence is as

sweet as a captive dolphin's
release to the wild,

like the trophies you collected
in high school for your small triumphs.

It is as if watching a child's first day
in school, proud yet fearful.

It is as cold as my apartment
with its cement floors and bare walls,

like a kitchen that stunk from
a quick lift of the compost bucket lid,

It is the smell you could never get out
no matter how much antiseptic you used.

Your absence is as

efficient as algebra when it comes to
moving me about in sleep,

like the sound of a taxi's
unhinged door sliding in the gutter,

like a punctured gas tank
sparking toward explosion.

It is the feeling of an alcoholic vomiting
on sidewalks not knowing how to get home.

It is also the feeling of social workers
finding dead children in closets.

It is the happiness of dogs when they chase raccoons
and find that their noses, slashed, bled always

posted by Rax @ 17:32

knowing but not intervening...
About Me

Name: Rax
Home: Makati, Philippines
About Me: I am many things: aspiring poet, advocate, lawyer, with a good grasp of reality. I am also passionate when it comes to chasing dreams. After all, a childlike imagination is just something I cannot outgrow. Which is why I write(...and refuse to give up anime, fantasy novels and video games... :P)
See my complete profile
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